V.A. Kuzmenkov
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate professor at the Department of social and philosophical disciplines, Orel Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation named after V.V. Lukyanov
The object of study in this article is anomie, the subject is the personal factors of anomie. The purpose of the article is to define and describe the personal factors of anomie. It seems that insufficient attention is paid to the study of the causes of anomie in Russian science. Methods of comparison, generalization and analysis of scientific concepts are used. The psychological and sociological studies of D. Riesman, L. Srole, R. Agnew and other scientists are considered. In the course of the study, it was possible to establish seven main personal factors of anomie: inability of a person to live in society; alienation; the conflict of cultures, capitalist competition and the rapid pace of social change in modern society; a certain combination of personality traits; negative evaluation of the individual by the reference group; loneliness; as well as socio-demographic features. A description of each factor is given. The carried out research has allowed to establish essence of the allocated factors that can be put in a basis of the future workings out in sphere of an anomy.
Keywords: anomie, conflict, loneliness, alienation, psychology, factors.
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