A.S. Yumatov
Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor, Head of Department of management of the organization, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation Orenburg branch
Development of digital economy in the modern world becomes one of the most essential as its intensity and scales of penetration into economic system define the level of development of national economy and the prospect of her growth. In article questions of development of digital economy in the sphere of housing and communal services of Russia are considered. A research objective - identification and assessment of elements of the digital housekeeper in administrative activity of subjects of housing and communal services of the Russian Federation. The research was conducted with use of methods of generalization of the available knowledge of the key terms used in article, the analysis of the relations in the housing-and-municipal sphere through allocation of key subjects. The analogy method at the description of processes of digitalization in housing and public utilities is used. In article it is necessary to refer to the main results of a research: allocation and structuring the elements of digital economy used in activity of certain subjects of housing and communal services of Russia, generalization of key factors of modern development of digital technologies of branch.
Results of a research form a basis for objective assessment of the present stage of development of digital economy in housing and public utilities of the Russian Federation. Results form a basis for a research of the directions of development of digital technologies in branch.
Keywords: housing and communal services, GIS-ZhKH, digital economy, digital technologies, digitalization
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