V.S. Osipov 
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Market Economy Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences
Professor of MGIMO University
M.S. Oborin
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
at the Department of economic analysis and statistics of the Perm Institute (branch) of the Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov;
Professor at the Department of world and regional economy, the economic theory Perm state national research University;
Professor at the Department of management, Perm State Agro-Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov;
Professor at the Department of management and technologies in tourism and Sochi state University
Socio-economic conditions and the level of state support for the regions have changed significantly, therefore new opportunities exist for renovations of cities and municipalities in the field of development of perspective specialization that more closely meets the needs of the population and contributes to the solution of a complex of problems. Aim. The article is devoted to the study of the experience of the development of new territories in Russia and abroad. Methods. During the research, general scientific and special methods and tools of economic research were used: a set of scientific methods of the abstract-logical method; economic-statistical method, the method of institutional analysis. Results of research. An analysis of domestic and foreign experience shows similar trends in the need for modernization of territories, the revival of industry and the development of services. The sphere of tourism and hospitality promotes attraction of demand in regions, growth of profitableness of local population, business structures and budgets. The experience of reorganizing industrial zones in European countries is useful for Russian regions. For territories with a difficult social and economic situation, it is preferable to include integrated structures, clusters and networks in order to include financial and resource flows in the distribution and improve the quality of life of the local population.
Keywords: new territories development, institutional conditions, renovation, greenfield projects, brownfield projects, economic specialization.
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