O.F. Chistik
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor at the Department of Statistics,
Samara State Economic University
The emergence of demographic problems is often associated with the deterioration of health of citizens, reflected in the deterioration of healthy life expectancy and the spread of dangerous diseases. The deterioration of health of citizens impedes continuous and sustainable socio - economic development. Therefore, a statistical study of the morbidity in the regions of the Russian Federation is very relevant. The purpose of this article is a statistical study of morbidity in the regions of the Russian Federation. The object of the study is the morbidity in the Russian Federation. The subject of the study is the quantitative patterns of morbidity in the Russian Federation. The study of morbidity is based on complex and systematic approaches and statistical methods: time series analysis, generalized indicators, structural-dynamic, nonparametric and cluster analysis and methods of multivariate analysis - correlation-regression and main components analysis. Originality of research consists in the formation of information and methodological approach on the basis of the created system of indicators; forecast evaluation of morbidity of the population by 2019; the allocation of qualitatively different groups of regions in terms of incidence by cluster analysis and the identification of influence factors on the morbidity of the population by multivariate analysis. Territorial features and factors of morbidity should be taken into account in the development of options for management decisions, Federal and regional programs that determine social policy, measures for the improvement of population health.
Keywords: morbidity, system of indicators, morbidity factors, dynamics, clusters.
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