T.V. Leushina
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor at the Department of statistics and econometrics, Orenburg State University
O.S. Sidorova
Master’s degree student at the Department of statistics and econometrics, Orenburg State University
The current situation, characterized by the consequences of the global economic crisis, the crisis of political relations between the leading states of the planet, the factors of external influence on Russia by Europe and the US in the form of a sanctions regime, it is important to understand the state and the trends of the main parameters characterizing the standard of living of the population of the country the development of timely measures to stabilize the situation.
The purpose of this article is to identify, in combination with the research of the scientific literature, the statistical features of the state and the changes in the characteristics of income and expenditure of Russians, the subsistence minimum and other standards of living standards. The theoretical aspects of poverty of the population are analyzed, including the concept of the phenomenon, approaches to measuring poverty, measures to combat the decline in living standards. Statistical methods for analyzing the dynamics based on Rosstat's official data made it possible to assess the trends in the main characteristics of real incomes, the increase in money in the hands of the population, the proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence level, and, as a result, to reveal actual trends in the standard of living of the population of Russia in an economic crisis. The analysis will allow the government to take adequate measures in the field of social policy and state regulation, which will help to reduce the proportion of poor people and increase the standard of living of Russian citizens.
Keywords: poverty, population, income, expenditure, indicators of well-being, statistics.
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