S.A. Guseinov
Postgraduate Student, Department of macroeconomic policy and strategic management, Faculty of economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Today our country is facing the task of modernization of the industrial and social infrastructure, so the issues of active participation of private investors in this process are significant, given the scarcity of the state budget and restrictions on attracting capital from abroad. Moreover, for modernization to be worthwhile, it is necessary not only to reproduce infrastructural objects, but rather to create and develop them in an innovative way. Thus, the purpose of this article is to assess the investment potential of public-private partnership mechanisms in the development of infrastructure industries using innovative technologies. The leading approach to research the problem of private capital attraction to innovative infrastructure projects is to analyze the relevant international experience and institutional capacity of our country in this field. As a result of the analysis, the author identifies the investment and innovation opportunities of key organizational and economic institutions, indicates perspective directions for implementing the state and business partnerships in the innovation-type infrastructure development, and also provides methods for analysis of the effectiveness of such projects for the government. It was concluded that public policy should be focused not much on direct budgetary support for research and development in the infrastructure sector, but rather on coordinating the efforts of public and private structures in the development of key infrastructure industries, especially when integrating there the complex of innovative solutions. The materials of this article can be used by the state authorities and municipalities, business structures and other interested entities in order to develop effective forms of interaction in innovation-type infrastructure development.
Keywords: public-private partnership, project financing, innovative technologies, estimation of effectiveness, institutional development, modernization of infrastructure.
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