K. Olimov
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan
The article is devoted to the philosophical understanding of the contribution of Russian scientists to the formation of scientific schools on the history of the Tajik people and its literature. Noting the importance of cooperation between scientists from different countries and nations, the author focuses on the merits of Russian and Soviet specialists in the formation of Tajik science, training of national personnel capable of conducting research at the world level. Focus on the fruitfulness of the activities of Russian scientists, the subject of professional interests which were the problems of Tajik culture, the author mentions their achievements in the fields of history, ethnography and literary criticism. Elaborating on the features of the educational interests of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan A.A. Semenov and and corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences E.E. Bertels, the author points out that the first one was a great scientist-orientalist and organizer of historical science, the second also gained fame for his fundamental Oriental research, successfully developed the problems of the history of Persian-Tajik literature, Sufism, and Turkology. Summing up above, the author notes that the Tajik-Russian scientific relations, which lost their effectiveness after the collapse of the Soviet Union, are now being restored and expanded, which opens new horizons for cooperation between scientists and scientific institutions of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation, becoming a means of protecting the common values and interests of the two countries in a globalizing world.
Keywords: Russian scientists, Tajik culture, social sciences of Tajikistan, A.A. Semenov, E.E. Bertels, scientific cooperation.
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