A.M. Khezhev
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of finance, Russian State Agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazev
A.V. Kabulov
Post-graduate student of the Department of finance, Russian State Agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazev
The time of transition of the economy to the market was characterized by the emergence of various forms of ownership and autonomous owners of organizations and enterprises, in which the issue of determining the value of own capital began to arise, this is the urgency of the research topic. The purpose of this article is to generalize approaches and methods to assess the value of an agricultural enterprise and develop measures to increase the cost taking into account all the features of the reproduction process. During the writing of the article the following research methods were used: comparative (comparison of material from different sources); analytical (study and synthesis of assessment data, analysis); positive (a description of how the assessment should be conducted according to the norms); normative (compliance with normative documents); corrective (checking and clarifying the facts, their adjustment). The main results of the study are based on the analysis of the agricultural enterprise under consideration and consist of justifying the approaches applicable to business valuation and proposing methods for its evaluation. The practical importance of the work is to determine and establish the value of the organization in question, conduct analysis of the current information security of the valuation system and methodological approaches to the valuation of the organization, developed a balanced system of indicators and outlines recommendations to increase the value of stud farm «Our Motherland».
Keywords: Finance, business valuation, company valuation, income approach, cost approach, comparative approach, cash flow discounting method, net assets method, capital market method, balanced scorecard, key performance indicator.
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