D.A. Kuzin
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of Scientific Research Center, Sochi State University
A.S. Kuzin
Leading Engineer of the property complex management Department, Orenburg State University
Formation of the multipolar world means education of the political and economic coalitions and the unions. This process became more active at the end of the 20th century as a result of transition of the countries of the former socialist camp from planned economy to market. In this regard we consider relevant studying of factors of the republics exerting impact on development of economy of such big association as the CIS. The purpose of accomplished research consists in measurement of influence of macroeconomic factors on development of economy of the CIS countries. For achievement of a goal the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: analysis and synthesis, tabular and graphic, correlation and regression. It is possible to rank the following as the main results of the conducted research: economies of the CIS countries are subject to negative impact of world crises; members of the union considerably lag behind the developed countries on the GDP level per capita; the factors containing growth of economy of member countries are a high share of agriculture in economies and the considerable size of import. Direction of use of results: the received results of a research will be useful first of all to scientists of the CIS countries dealing with a problem of integration into the international space and also statesmen to carrying out policy of rapprochement of member countries of the union.
Keywords: economic growth, Commonwealth of Independent States, Post-Soviet countries, gross internal product, variation, dependence.
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