K.V. Kikilashvili
Graduate student at the Department of the history of national economy and economic studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Determining the patterns of development of the oil industry in conjunction with the development of the national economy as a whole is relevant for developing recommendations for the strategic management of the development of both the industry itself and the entire economy of our country. As separate periods for studying these regularities, it is advisable to consider periods of transformation of the oil industry with their subsequent comparative evaluation in different historical periods.
The aim of the work was to identify the most effective transformations of the oil industry from the beginning of the Soviet period of history to the present.
As a transformation of the national oil industry, the author understands the interrelated organizational, structural, managerial, innovation-technological, territorial (regional) changes, as well as interrelated changes in the exploration, production, transportation, processing, storage and supply of oil and petroleum products, caused either by general economic interests of increasing efficiency production, the implementation of which becomes available with the advent of new technologies for exploration, production, transportation, storage, supply and processing, or the need for a sharp increase in production and / or changes in product quality associated with the new challenges of energy consumption.
The methodological basis of the study was a comprehensive analysis of the oil industry in terms of the totality of indicators in the context of the dynamics of the development of the domestic economy as a whole. On the basis of this work, historical periods are singled out and a comparative analysis of the main characteristics of the oil industry transformations of the USSR and the Russian Federation.
It is shown that the most effective for the development of the industry and the economy of the country as a whole was the post-war innovation and technological and regional transformation, characterized primarily as a shift in the oil production center from the Caucasus to the Volga-Ural region and ensuring the formation of a modern type of economy (for this period). 
The results of the research can be used to take into account in the strategic management of the development of the Russian oil industry for a long-term period.
Keywords: oil industry, transformation, organization, management, innovation, technology, economy of the USSR, the economy of the Russian Federation.
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