UDC: 519.6: 656.13: 537.8
I. E. Agureev1,
A. V. Akhromeshin2,
V. A. Pyshnyi3
Tula State University, Tula, Russia
1e-mail: agureev-igor@yandex.ru
2e-mail: aakhromeshin@yandex.ru
3e-mail: vladislav.pyshnyi@mail.ru
Abstract. The article describes the theoretical basis for taking into account the complexity in solving problems of transport demand, the analysis of the concept of “self-organized criticality” is carried out. The problems of describing complex conduct in transport systems are solved, the prerequisites or causes of complex behavior are indicated, the traditional definitions of a “complex transport system” are formalized. Examples of some models demonstrating complex behavior in transport systems are given.
Objective: formulation of research directions in the theory of transport systems, which should be developed with the help of conceptual and mathematical devices of individual sciences, such as complexity theory, nonlinear dynamics, to solve problems of transport demand, accompanied by flows of various events and elements in transport macrosystems, to take into account the complexity of problems in the theory of transport systems in modeling the dynamics of transport demand.
Approaches used: development of mathematical models of nonlinear transport systems demonstrating complex behavior, including models with power-law distribution of system characteristics within the framework of self-organized criticality, as well as models demonstrating bifurcations.
Methods and (or) methodological apparatus of research: methods of the theory of self-organized criticality and synergetics, allowing to take into account the properties of a complex system.
The scientific novelty lies in the use of methods and approaches of the theory of self-organized criticality and complexity theory for a wide class of models of transport systems used in problems of transport demand and based on traffic flow models.
Directions for further research, recommendations: it is required to analyze real statistics of the behavior of transport systems that correspond to various states of the transport system, including complex behavior, as well as the formulation and solution of problems of the theory of transport macrosystems.
Key words: complexity, complex system, transport system, transport demand, mathematical model, self-organized criticality, phase transitions, attractor.
Cite as: Agureev, I. E., Akhromeshin, A. V., Pyshnyi, V. A. (2023) [Taking into account the complexity in the tasks of transport demand]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, pp. 66–78. – https:// doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2023-6-66.
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