UDC: 004.8; 165.12; 608.17


I. I. Bulychev
Michurinsk State Agrarian University, Michurinsk, Russia
e-mail: igor-algoritm@mail.ru

A. N. Kiryushin
Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force N. E. Zhukovsky and Y. A. Gagarin Air Force Academy, Voronezh, Russia
e-mail: elrisha_@rambler.ru

Abstract. The problem of intelligence has a wide research potential and attracts more and more attention of scientists and specialists in various fields. Today, the fundamental ideas about the structure and functions of intelligence in its natural (human) and artificial dimensions, the relationship of artificial intelligence with the natural in their unity and difference, are debatable.

The purpose of the article is to study intelligence as a paradoxical (largely contradictory) phenomenon, the task is to search for the essential foundations of intelligence, to strengthen the arguments in favor of the existence of two relatively independent types of intelligence, each of which has specific functions. The main method of research is dialectics in relation to the format of logical algorithms inherent in intelligence.

The main results of the article are the recognition of the paradoxical nature of human intelligence, due to the complex interaction of its positive and negative types (sides). In the process of historical evolution, the prevalence of one of the types of intellectuality is determined by the progressive or, on the contrary, counter-progressive course of social development. Now in one group of countries there is an average increase in the power of the positive functions of the intellect, in the other group, on the contrary, an increase in its negative components is clearly noted.

The novelty lies in the formulation and substantiation of the thesis that in the conditions of progressive social development, positive intelligence strengthens its position in comparison with negative intelligence. On the contrary, in conditions of stagnation and especially regression, the position of negative intelligence strengthens, which is expressed in the growth of schizophrenic deviations, various phobias, etc.

Directions for further research based on this work may include more thorough and differentiated studies of positive and negative intelligence, their unity and differences, and the dialectics of relationships in structural and functional terms in various historical eras, including the modern one. Along with this, questions of the essence, paradoxicality and inconsistency of intelligence can be useful to the developers of its artificial invariant.

Key words: intelligence, intellectuality, questioning, negative and positive intelligence, digital dementia.

Cite as: Bulychev I. I., Kiryushin A. N. (2023) [About paradoxes of intellectuality]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, pp. 134–142. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2023-6-134.


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