UDC: 629.08


F. L. Nazarov
State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation FSUE «NAMI», Moscow; Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia
e-mail: nazarovf@yandex.ru

Abstract. Relevant are studies to identify reserves to reduce the cost of car ownership, one of which is to minimize the cost of operation, and, in particular, maintenance.

The aim of the study is to reduce the cost of car ownership by reducing the unit cost of maintenance based on a scientifically based increase in the frequency and choice of consumables. A particular task within the framework of this article is to establish the patterns of formation of unit costs for car maintenance and to analyze the impact on them of the frequency and cost of engine oil.

A detailed analysis of the cost structure for the maintenance of a truck was carried out using the example of the KAMAZ 5490 NEO brand with two frequency values – regulated 60 thousand km and increased 80 thousand km. It has been established that such an increase in frequency reduces unit costs by 21,6% (by 331 rubles/1000 km).

The results of studies confirming the proportional dependence of the cost of engine oil on its quality, which determines the replacement period, are presented.

By modeling, the dependences of the unit costs for the maintenance of a truck on the example of the KAMAZ 5490 NEO brand on the frequency and cost of one liter of oil were obtained. It has been established that the strategy with the use of flexible oil cost (depending on frequency) compared to a fixed cost (independent of frequency) gives a noticeable effect (up to 190 rubles / 1000 km or 10,2%) in the area of lower values of frequency, where the indicator «price – quality» of oil is used.

It is concluded that the reserve for reducing operating costs, and, consequently, the cost of owning a car, is an increase in the frequency of maintenance, bringing it closer to the average annual mileage, and a rational choice of motor oils, taking into account the replacement period and cost.

Of scientific and practical interest are further studies of the regularities of the influence of various factors on the value of the frequency of maintenance, the definition of restrictions on its increase, the effect of an increase in the frequency on the cost of owning a car and the efficiency of its commercial operation.

Key words: maintenance, frequency, unit costs, replacement period, engine oil.

Cite as: Nazarov, F. L. (2023) [Reserves to reduce car operating costs]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, pp. 107–116. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2023-6-107.


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