D. S. Artamonov1, S. M. Frolova2

Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia



Abstract. In the article, the authors consider the risks in the space of the life world in the aspect of digitalization. By digitalization, they understand the socialization of digital technologies and the construction of systems of social relations based on them. Discreteness, rapid changes and increased risk-taking distinguish the human life world of digital society. Subjective perception of reality in the space of an individual’s life world in a digital environment increases the risks of the emergence and implementation of communication strategies of behavior that negatively affect the relationship of a person with the surrounding world. The presence of a person in the digital environment not only makes him vulnerable to risks, but also prevents the recognition of risk situations, as well as leads to rejection and ignoring of risks. The individual perceives the digital space as a favorable environment. The degree of trust in the digital world for a person is much higher than the trust in the space of material objects that represent a certain danger in the individual’s mind. The individual represents the digital environment as a conflict-free space that protects a person from threats and challenges. Axiological changes in modern society have caused the emergence of risks of digitalization in the space of the life world. In the digital space, an individual sees risk as a value. The space of the life world in the digital environment becomes virtual. Virtualization of human existence contributes to the formation of a sense of trust in the world, it makes the constant improvement of their situation the motive of their life, which is possible through the acceptance of risk and responsibility for their actions. An individual perceives risk as an opportunity for freedom of choice of solutions, freedom to find ways out of constructed situations. A person in virtual space does not consider risks as dangerous, since they are a necessary condition for the existence of a digital environment. The individual presents the digital life world as less risky, which contributes to an ever deeper immersion in it and generates the risk of virtualization of being.

Key words: social philosophy, social phenomenology, risk, digitalization, digital society, life world.

Acknowledgements. The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project № 19-011-00265 «The social construction of historical memory in the digital world».

Cite as: Artamonov, D. S., Frolova, S. M. (2020) [Risks of digitalization in the space of the life world]. Intellekt. Innovatsii. Investitsii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, рр. 95–100. DOI: 10.25198/2077-7175-2020-6-95.