A. V. Banshchikov

Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


S. P. Ivanenkov

Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work, editor-in-chief of «Credo new» magazine, SaintPetersburg, Russia


Abstract. At the beginning of its formation psychology used to be a philosophical discipline; permanent methodological crisis started along with psychology standing apart as a separate science. The common questions that defined methodological crisis of psychology are its philosophical foundation and subject of study.

This article contains information about one of the attempts to find a solution to listed problems on materials of the history of Russian psychology. The path of psychology formation on a basis of Marxist philosophy wasn’t easy; there were many debates and arguments upon a subject. This way wasn’t a coincidence, it was conditioned both social processes and inner logic of this science development.

The chosen historical example shows the connection between philosophy and psychology. This connection back there was reasoned by the fact that at first there was a need to defend the materialistic approach to the understanding of psychological. Currently, the question of the philosophical basis of psychology is being ignored, though in the Soviet era for a short period this crisis was overcome and methodology that was constructed allowed to achieve expected results. The methodological crisis arose again with the political system being demolished. Pluralistic methodological positions that existed afterwards couldn’t grand the actual solution, they only acknowledged the existence of a multiplicity of psychologies. One of the alternatives to further development would be the construction of an independent discipline going by the name of a philosophy of psychology. Psychology needs philosophical conceptualization and a view from the meta on its history and future evolution. This discipline can stop arguments that went on for years. We though suppose that the construction of this discipline needs full scientific cooperation including support from those who work in the field of psychology, philosophy and methodology. Constructing unified methodological and communicative space on a basis of the philosophy of psychology can help with solutions to practical tasks such as the question of consciousness or the development of artificial intelligence.

Key words: materialism, idealism, history of psychology, Marxist psychology, philosophy of psychology, methodology, methodological crisis, the logic of science development.

Cite as: Banshchikov, A. V., Ivanenkov, S. P. (2020) [Philosophical and methodological foundations of psychology: problems and ways of solving them]. Intellekt. Innovatsii. Investitsii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 6, рр. 101–110. DOI: 10.25198/2077-7175-2020-6-101.
