UDC: 336.7


S. M. Bogomolov 1, M. V. Plotnikova 2

Saratov socio-economic institute (branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Saratov, Russia

1e-mail: bogomolv@yandex.ru

2e-mail: mvpvip@mail.ru

Abstract. One of the current strategic objectives of the banking sector development is to increase the competitiveness of banking services while stimulating the growth of the economy through bank lending, which does not lead to increased risks. The extent to which such a complex task is implemented largely reflects the quality of credit services. The purpose of the article is to develop a scientific system of knowledge about banking policy in terms of ensuring the quality of credit services, and to identify the directions of its balance on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the indicators of credit activity of Russian banks. The key methods of research were systemic and integrated approaches, analysis and synthesis, which allowed to give an extended assessment of the quality of credit services and policies to provide it. The main results of the study are the following: the policy on quality assurance of credit services is defined as a special type of banking policy aimed at optimal achievement of the requirements of the bank, borrower and regulator in the field of credit and includes such elements as objects, subjects, principles, methods and methods, tools, processes; on the basis of modern data, a mainly inverse relationship between the share of overdue debt on issued loans and the level of return on credit transactions has been revealed and it has been found that there is not always a direct relationship between the ratio of loans to GDP and the rate of growth of loans; directions for balancing banking policy in the field of credit services quality are formulated, which include integration of this policy with other types of banking policy; balance between the requirements and interests of the regulator, borrowers and banks; optimal relationship between effects on credit services properties, processes and results of credit services provision. The scientific novelty of the study is the development of theoretical approaches to the formation of banking policy to ensure the quality of credit services and scientific and practical recommendations to improve its balance. The results of the study are applicable both in the activities of the Bank of Russia and in the work of commercial banks.

Keywords: bank policy, quality of credit services, balance, lending, bank.