R.Yu. Rakhmatullin 
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of Department for socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines, Bashkir State Agrarian University
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the categorical status of the concept of «practice» in the philosophy of science. In epistemology, practice is seen as an antonym of the concept of «theory». From other forms of human activity, it is distinguished by a material and conscious nature. The article analyzes the cognitive possibilities of practice. It is considered as: a) the basis of knowledge; b) the purpose of cognitive activity; c) the criterion of the truth of knowledge; d) the source of knowledge. The main role of practice in scientific and cognitive activity is seen in its ability to act as the basis for the formation of logical thinking. It is pointed out that the origins of the theory of the formation of thinking should be sought in the psychological concept of interiorization. The strengths and weaknesses of the theory of interiorization are revealed. It is concluded that the contradictions that have arisen in it can be resolved only in recognition of the correctness of the pan logical doctrine of Hegel.
Keywords: practice, logical thinking, interiorization, experiment, material production, structure.
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