M.V. Manannikova
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy, Orenburg State Agrarian University
The article is devoted to the actual topic of the relationship between man and society, which is one of the most important theoretical problems of modern psychoanalysis. Throughout the entire article, the idea is being held that the application of psychoanalytic methods, in particular psychoanalytic typologization of personality, allows one to explore the social and philosophical problems of modern man.Analysis of the socio-cultural foundations of the essence and existence of the individual allows consideringmany processes and phenomena of the social life of people. Turning to the models of human social existence makes it possible to identify the necessary links between the individual's freedom, identity and self-realization, as well as various forms of alienation of the individual. The problems of social existence of «authoritarian» personality, «mass person» are the leitmotif of this article. The author believes that within the frameworks of society there are pseudo-personalities, the cause of which is the substitution of the genuine inauthentic in the thinking, feelings and desires of people. Unsatisfied with their position in society, they seek to escape from the realities around them and gain integrity and autonomy.
Keywords: personality, freedom, «social character», self-determination, sadism, conformism, masochism.
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