N.V. Goncharov
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Lecturer at the Department of philosophy of science and sociology, Orenburg State University
The article discusses the ontological aspects of existential identity in the context of the explication of this phenomenon in the framework of socio-philosophical doctrines of Karl Marx (social being, social relations, consciousness, objectification, labor), immorality Nietzsche (the «will to power», which manifests itself in existence as the emancipation from the common value-semantic system and the ascent to the strata of the ideal of «superhuman») and phenomenological and anthropological conception of M. Scheler («spirit» as an authentic manifestation of existence). The article focuses on the correlation of philosophical definitions of the concepts of existence and existential identity as determining the uniqueness of human existence and being. In the course of the analysis it was found out that despite the polarity of semantic theoretical and methodological constructions, built relatively existential subjects in the works of K. Marx, F. Nietzsche and M. Scheler, they contain axiomatic correlates, positioning the specificity of human existence as a permanent confrontation causal-practical natural existence.
Keywords: existential identity; «Superhuman», spirit; existential; consciousness; social being.
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