A.P. Tcypin 
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of statistics and econometrics, Orenburg State University
The purpose of the conducted research consists in the analysis of dynamics of development of the industry of the republics of the USSR by means of statistics. During performance of a research such methods as the analysis and synthesis, tabular and graphic, relative and average sizes have been used. Results of a research: throughout the analyzed period of 1950-1990 growth of industrial production of the Soviet Union, both in absolute, and in relative expression is observed; process of industrialization of the country has resulted in considerable results, so at the time of the collapse of the USSR quantitative indices of industrial release exceeded values of the USA twice; the contribution of the certain republics to all-union values of indicators of industrial release wasn't identical, RSFSR which gave from 50% to 90% of all-union release is so allocated, it is adjoined by the Ukrainian SSR, the Belarusian SSR, the Uzbek SSR and the Kazakh SSR with more modest values of indicators. The received conclusions will be useful to researchers in the field of integration and disintegration of the Post-Soviet countries.
Keywords: statistics, dynamics, retrospective, republics of the USSR, industrial production.
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