B.M. Lyamin
Postgraduate Student, The Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Subject. Theoretical features of innovative and investment activities of enterprises of the trade sector.
Goals. Analyze the existing conceptual apparatus used by domestic and foreign scientists in the field of innovation and investment. To formulate author's definitions to the categories of «innovation», «investment», «innovation activity», and «innovation-investment activity», taking into account the industry features of trade enterprises. Identify the features of innovation and investment activities of trade enterprises.
Methodology. Applied general scientific methods, such as analysis, synthesis, induction and generalization. To identify the features of innovation and investment, the modeling method was used.
Results. The domestic and foreign conceptual apparatus of innovation-investment activity is systematized; features of innovative and investment activity of the trading enterprise are revealed. Author's definitions of the concepts «innovation», «investment», «innovation activity», and «innovation-investment activity» are given.
Conclusions. Innovation and investment activity of an enterprise can be characterized as a set of enterprise processes for the implementation of created or purchased innovative solutions for the implementation of strategic objectives of the enterprise. As a result of the analysis of the features of the innovation and investment activities of the trading enterprise, a scheme was constructed that reflects the research activity of the trading enterprise.
Keywords: innovation; investment; innovation activity; innovation and investment activities; trade industry
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