UDC: 338.467.6


A.M. Kokorin1, L.S. Leontieva2
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Moscow, Russia,
1e-mail: prav_mol@mail.ru
2е-mail: lldom@mail.ru

Abstract. The relevance of the presented subject is defined by the high social importance of the film industry both for cultural development in general, and for all national economy. The purpose of the submitted article is justification of a possibility of formation of a technique of assessment of real strategic positions of the organizations of the Russian film industry, taking into account their place in the system of the industry, a variety of forms of ownership and specifics of the film product released by them or providing service. Characteristic of structure of the film industry as sets of three spheres is given: film production, film distribution and film screening. The economic interests of each of types enterprise and the regulating organizations are defined. The following scientific methods are used for the analysis: statistical method (groups), strategic analysis, expert estimates, graphic visualization. A set of expert estimates by definition of real positions of the managing organizations of the film industry allowing to design the strategy of their sustainable development is as a result created and the problem points defining need of the differentiated measures for ensuring economic security are revealed. As groups of expert estimates are offered by the author: level of resource capacity of the industry in general and separate economic entities of film production, film distribution and film screening, adequacy of the institutional environment of development of the Russian cinematography. Appeal of the corresponding segment of the film industry (productions, a hire, display), competitive advantages of enterprise structures of the film industry in the corresponding segment. As the perspective direction of use of a technique the practical offer on specific actions in the sphere of economic security which will allow to use most fully the resource and creative capacity of the industry is created, to reduce the risks connected with a contradiction the participant of the industry, to create adequate institutional conditions for its development, to raise degree of appeal to the Russian investors and businessmen thanks to increase in level of knowledge of transparency and monitoring economic conditions of the Russian film industry with use of author’s approach.

Keywords: economic security, film industry, strategic development, resource potential, institutional environment, appeal of the industry.