UDC: 330.567.2


L.R. Faizova
Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia
e-mail: faizova1980@list.ru

Abstract. One of the most important areas of a research of many social sciences, such as economy, statistics, demography, psychology, sociology is the problem of quality of life of the population. Without having the complete information about quality of life of the population, implementation of effective management of social and economic processes in the region and the country in general is impossible. It is possible to disclose quality of life of the population in a complex, having characterized its components and indicators. The generalizing social and economic level meters of life of the population reflect total consumption and possibilities of such consumption while relative characterize only the separate parties of welfare of the population. A research objective is to carry out statistical analysis of quality of life of the population of regions. For implementation of a goal the analysis of quality of life of the population with use of indicators of human development is carried out; regions with optimum conditions for accommodation of the population were selected. As tools multidimensional statistical techniques were used. By means of cluster analysis multidimensional classification of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation for the purpose of identification optimum in terms of quality of life of the population and definition of the place of the Orenburg region among all subjects is carried out. As a result, the Orenburg region together with twelve subjects of the Volga Federal District got to a cluster with the average level of quality of life. In completion of a research in this cluster econometric modeling of the expected life expectancy at the birth which is one of the main indicators of quality of life of the population is carried out. On the basis of the model constructed by means of regression analysis, elasticity coefficients which reflected extent of influence on the expected life expectancy of such factors as mortality rate, emissions of pollutants and crime of the population were calculated. The received results of a research can be used by bodies of municipal authority when forming effective social policy and also researchers in the field of social statistics for studying of quality of life of regions.

Keywords: quality of life, human development index, the indicator, the incidence, cluster analysis expected life expectancy.