UDC: 330.567.2


S.N. Morozova
Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia
e-mail: morozovasnik@rambler.ru

Abstract.The study of problems related to the study of living standards is quite relevant in modern economic conditions. The socio-economic category “standard of living” is used in legal and regulatory documents, in scientific literature to characterize the degree of satisfaction of physical, spiritual and social needs of people in society, i.e. the quality of life of the population, the magnitude of its well-being and well-being and serves as an important socio-economic criterion in the selection of directions and priorities of economic and social policy of the state. On the one hand, the standard of living of the population is determined by the composition and magnitude of the needs for various life benefits (food, clothing, housing, transport, various utilities and household services, education, health care, cultural and educational activities, etc.), on the other - the ability to meet these needs, based on the proposals on the market of goods and services and real incomes of people, their wages. The ongoing socioeconomic transformations in Russia, which have caused an intensive process of economic stratification of the population with the phenomena of a significant decline in the standard of living of the prevailing group of families, pose to society at the present stage a number of serious problems that require urgent solutions. Both the attention and the demands on living standards have now increased. A very important area is the use of indicators of living standards for conducting comparisons on an objective calculation basis: in time - to assess the impact of socioeconomic changes on the life of the population, for individual income and property groups of the population – to determine the degree of economic differentiation of society, as well as in different regions of the country – to assess and take into account differences in the level and living conditions of the population in them.

The aim of the study is to characterize and analyze inter-regional comparisons of indicators of the standard of living of the population. The article provides an economic and statistical analysis of the variation of indicators of living standards of the subjects of the Volga Federal district. To identify regions with a similar level of material well-being of the population, a multidimensional classification of the subjects of the Volga Federal district was carried out.

Statistical tools of the study were the method of grouping, variational method of analysis, methods of multivariate analysis; tabular and graphical methods of data visualization.

Keywords: standard of living, material well-being, indicators of standard of living, variation, classification.