A.P. Poslavskiy
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of automotive technical maintenance and repair, Orenburg State University,
V.V. Sorokin
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of automotive technical maintenance and repair, Orenburg State University, 
A.A. Fadeev
Graduate student of the Department of automotive technical maintenance and repair, Orenburg State University
The article reflects the problem of diagnosing and monitoring the performance of heat exchangers of vehicles at the stage of their operation. The relevance of the problem is due to the lack of methods and means of instrumental control, suitable for diagnosing the performance of heat exchangers of vehicles at the stage of their operation.
The purpose of the article is to consider options for improving the methodology of diagnosing heat exchangers based on the use of instrumental control.
The leading method of research of this problem is experimental determination of technical condition of heat exchangers at the stage of their operation on parameters of heat transfer.
The paper considers the specifics of design, especially the functioning of cooling systems, the organization of their maintenance and maintenance. To diagnose the technical condition of heat exchangers at the stage of operation, a method for diagnosing heat exchangers with the definition of heat transfer on a special stand is proposed.
The prospects of new developments in the field of diagnostic support with the ability to measure the most important parameter– heat transfer, as an integral index of efficiency of the heat exchanger. Possible variants of determination of technical condition of heat exchangers on the basis of use of new principles of measurement of output parameters are presented.
The presented method of measuring the heat flux can be used as a basis for the instrumental and diagnostic complex with the prospect of using the heat exchange equipment in operating conditions.
Keywords: vehicles, heat exchangers, cooling system, diagnostics, stand, control, heat transfer.
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