A.M. Arslanov
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Professor of the Department of technical maintenance of vehicles, Dagestan State Agrarian University named after M.M. Dzhambulatov
S.M. Minatullaev
Head Teacher of the Department of technical maintenance of vehicles, Dagestan State Agrarian University named after M.M. Dzhambulatov
The relevance of the study is due to the need to improve the efficiency of passenger transportation by road on regular routes. The list of factors influencing efficiency is large and constantly updated. The new factors include a multiple increase in passenger traffic, typical for mass cultural and sports events, during mass recreation in the relevant areas. Features of the organization of the transport system in such conditions require additional study.
The goal is to increase the efficiency of passenger transportation by road on the basis of ensuring the rhythmic effect of the system «transportation routes-stop-transplant point», taking into account the multiple increase in passenger traffic.
The theoretical-methodical approach is based on the provisions of the theory of passenger road transport, the theory of transport processes and systems, mathematical statistics, field studies. In the work, the rhythm of the stopping point was studied, as the properties serve passengers and vehicles without delays at a given periodicity in accordance with the schedule, taking into account permissible deviations from it.
The results of the study can be used to optimize the processes of passenger transportation by road.
Keywords: transportation, passengers, transport, stopping point, rhythm.
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