D.B. Polyakov
Candidate of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Humanitarian sciences,Transbaikal Institute of Railway Transport – Branch of the Irkutsk State University of Ways of Communication
Being one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, M. Foucault in the new millennium also remains a significant figure in case of the analysis of such problematic and relevant areas as human subjectivity, sexuality, knowledge, discourse. And part, and sometimes the determining factor of all these phenomena in Foucault's philosophy is power, its functioning and forms of existence. The article considers the reception of Foucault's ideas, undertaken by theoreticians of the so-called postanarchism to rationale the revision of the notions of the subject and power inherent in classical anarchism, and the formation of new strategies and tactics of political resistance, which in the realities of the 21st century should not be limited to criticism of state institutions.
Starting from the analysis of the relationship of power undertaken by Foucault, postanarchist theorists (T. May, L. Call, S. Newman) try to formulate a different type of anarchist subjectivity that would overcome the anti-statist, and therefore limited position of classical anarchism. Such subjectivity, according to these theorists, destabilizes the image of power, concentrated in the institution of the state, and extends resistance beyond the political. With this approach, however, all spheres of human and social activity, as well as aspects of personal existence, acquire a political dimension, giving rise to a situation of permanent resistance to those forms of power whose «microphysical» level Foucault ascertained.
Keywords: postanarchism, power, knowledge, domination, resistance.
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13. Newman, S. From Bakunin to Lacan: Anti-authoritarianism and the Dislocation of Power / S. Newman. – Lanham, Lexington Books, 2001. – 197 p.
