A.I. Muss
Postgraduate student of the Department of philosophical anthropology, St.-Petersburg State University
This article represents cognitive science (like transhumanism) as the actual practice of the modern human from mass society, which allows these people to avoid issues related to the human’s mortality. This issue is considered from the position of studying the meanings and mechanisms of the functioning of the modern society and the modern human and its current methods are based on the works by J.-P. Sartre, J. Baudrillard, and M. Foucault. As a result, it has been shown that during the scientific work a modern human looks for the opportunity to avoid critical questions of the existence, and the mortal nature of human, and simultaneously looks for the ways to cope with his own fears and experiences, in the context of the consequences of the death of God and the fragility of human as the philosophical concept.
Keywords: the concept of human, philosophical anthropology, cognitive science, mortality, symbolic exchange, mass society, transhumanism. 
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