N.A. Sherbakov
Postgraduate student of the Research Institute of System Analysis of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the head of the direction, SBERBANK – TECHNOLOGIES
The article deals with the peculiarities of risk elimination in the conditions of instability of the transition period in the world economy in the historical retrospective. Purposes. The comparative analysis of the main indicators of the world monetary policy of the USA for two periods: 1924-1932 and 2008-2017, allows drawing conclusions about similarity and differences of monetary policies, their features in the context of world events. Methodology. The General scientific method of scientific knowledge, analysis of monetary indicators, from 2008 to 2017 is applied for the assessment of macroeconomic risks and protectionist policies, which allows assessing the degree of impact of the state on the main monetary indicators. Results. The analysis shows what the state and society should expect when comparing processes in historical retrospect, identifying a mechanism that destroys the protective conditions of the state. Summary. In the context of the economic policy of protectionism, administrative reform is important, including the creation of a state body for the development of the country under sanctions and risks of uncertainty, which will allow developing a program of measures to consolidate all forces.
Keywords: monetary policy, macroeconomic policy, forecasting.
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