D.B. Kulumbetova
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of economics, management and service, Kazakh-Russian International University
A.S. Snasapina
Postgraduate Student, Department of regional economics, Orenburg State University
The main reasons of using marketing in the activity of national commercial banks are advancing financial market in Kazakhstan, aggravation of banking competition, development of information technologies and communication facilities on the basis of modern technology. Customers place high demands on the characteristics of products and financial services, and the quality of service. To meet conditions of high competition, banks must competently manage their customer base, its individual segments, product line and improve communication policy.
The aim of the article is to study the specifics of banking marketing and identify its characteristics in the current conditions of the financial market in Kazakhstan. In this regard, the author analyzes the main changes in the activity of commercial banks in the current conditions of economic development, the revealed influences on business organization processes, the revealed features of bank marketing.
It is established that accurate segmentation of the market and customer base is a necessary condition for the bank’s market success, as it is the basis for rational marketing and highly effective means of competition, and also allows formulating a reasonable development strategy. The paper also pointed out an increased interest on the part of commercial banks to develop a sound communication policy, showing interest not only in information advertising, but also in creating and maintaining a bank’s positive image in the public.
In conclusion, based on the analysis of bank marketing features in commercial banks, the relevant conclusions were drawn and recommendations were made for improving marketing activities.
Keywords: banking marketing, banking sector, customer base segmentation, communication policy.
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