M.I. Glinskaya
Attached person to pass thesis defence at the Department of human resources management, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
At the present stage of development of society, one of the important problems of the economy is the rapid increase in the proportion of the informal working population in the total workforce. The relevance of the issue is due to the growing unrest in the society, arising as a result of the increase in the number of informally employed population, non-compliance with labor laws and, as a consequence, the uncertainty of workers in the future.
The purpose of the research is to analyze the reasons for the emergence of such a class as precarious and to consider possible methods of reducing this class in the world. 
Also in this article describes the causes and preconditions of the emergence and development of the social class – the precariat. The main features of the considered class are revealed, the analysis and generalization of the groups making the precariat is carried out, the negative consequences and risks that are borne by the workers referred to this class are considered. Tendencies of further development of a class taking into account modern computerization of workplaces and development of hi-tech society are outlined. Possible ways to reduce the number of informally employed population are also presented. The general scientific method of generalization is based on the study of the theoretical provisions of the article.
The result of the study, as reflected in this article is to identify features inherent in this class in modern society and the possibilities of using foreign experience in the Russian reality in order to reduce the level of informal employment of the population. The findings can be used as the basis for the concept of the settlement of informally employed citizens.
Keywords: informal employment, precariat, labor flexibility, globalization, temporary employment.
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