M. S. Arbatskiy

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


A. S. Voronov

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Abstract. Regenerative medicine (hereinafter – RM) is a rapidly developing area of biomedicine. The main tools of RM are cell therapy, gene therapy and tissue engineering. Like any innovative direction, RM on the way of development will have to overcome such barriers as lack of funding, underdevelopment of infrastructure, unpreparedness of the market and consumers for products and services with unknown characteristics, etc. The relevance of the article lies in the absence among scientific publications of works on finding successful examples of promoting products and services of the RM, which is extremely important for learning from experience and effective development of this area. The purpose of the article is to study the successful experience of the development strategy of biomedical companies promoting products and services of the RM. The choice of companies for analysis and strategy development is extremely limited. Therefore, to study the positive experience, two subsidiaries of one large holding PJSC “ISCH” were selected. The holding includes NextGen LLC, which promotes the gene therapy drug Neovasculgen, and Vitacel LLC, which provides the SPRS cell therapy service. Since the consolidated statements of the entire holding cannot be used to analyze the enterprises included in it, the calculations were carried out according to the financial statements posted in the Spark-interfax system. Consolidated annual reports of PJSC “HSCI” and accounting reports of an independent audit company were used to study the development strategy, development plans, analysis of the competitive environment, risk assessment and conclusions of the holding’s management on the results achieved. To describe the company’s financial status, standard groups of indicators characterizing financial results, profitability, business activity, financial stability and liquidity were used. The analysis made it possible to identify important elements of the company’s successful development in the field of RM. The scientific novelty of the study lies in a detailed analysis of a successful strategy, highlighting the key success factors specific to the direction of the RM and comparing them with changes in financial statements. The resulting hybrid strategy can be used by start-up companies as a development guide. The author will continue to search for new examples of successful development of companies in this area, and will also monitor newly emerging companies for the purpose of comparison. The article may be useful to students of faculties of innovation management, medical faculties, employees of scientific laboratories involved in the development of RM products, as well as specialists from technology transfer centers.

Key words: management decisions, anti-crisis tools, analysis of financial performance, industry strategy, regenerative medicine.

Cite as: Arbatskiy, M. S., Voronov, A. S. (2022) [Formation of a strategy for promoting services and products of regenerative medicine]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 4, pp. 42–50,