UDC: 338.1
S.A. Ivanova1, E.A. Karagulyan2
Tyumen State University, Financial and Economic Institute, Tyumen, Russia
1e-mail: swetiva@mail.ru
2e-mail: memb@list.ru
Abstract. The relevance of the research topic is explained by the variety of opinions on the role of scientific personnel in the formation of scientific and technical potential of Russia. The article presents an analysis of the situation in Russia in comparison with foreign countries in the field of management of scientific personnel, the interaction of educational institutions with government agencies and business representatives in the implementation of fundamental and applied research. The article discusses the causes of inefficient scientific and technical potential and research development. The authors pay considerable attention to the study of the country's position on the basis of international ratings (benchmarking), which perform an informative function, helping to develop a long-term strategy. The aim of the work is to substantiate the main approaches to increasing the place and role of scientific personnel in the formation of scientific and technical potential of Russia in comparison with the leading industrialized countries.
Methods. The study applied a systematic approach to setting goals and summarizing the results of the work. Theoretical methods allowed to identify the main problems of scientific and technical development of Russia in comparison with foreign countries. Comparative analysis allowed to identify the features and differences of integration cooperation of the Russian Federation in the areas of R&D and S&E, to identify the causes of this gap with the leading industrialized countries. Mathematical methods of systematization of statistical data, their graphical representation were used to depict trends and patterns of scientific and technical component of the country development, clarity of practical conclusions.
Possibilities of using. The results of this study are important for rethinking priorities for research the development of our country, establishment of objectives for the elimination of its backlog in the areas of R&D and S&E, increase of the status in the scientific field (under which we mean the sphere of research and development). The results will be useful for researchers in the field of economy and management of the country's development in the new economic situation.
Results. The article reveals Russia's lag behind the advanced countries of the world in terms of the number of professional researchers, including the lack of activity of young cadres in research and development. The article suggests ways to solve identified problems.
Keywords: scientific and technological development, scientific staff, scientific collaboration, financing of research activities, expenditure on research and development (R & D).