UDC: 332.13


N. E. Laktaeva
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: LaktaevaNE@spa.msu.ru

Abstract. In the context of interregional socio-economic differentiation and the need for assigning limited financial resources, the most important issue for public administration and private investors is a competent choice of growth points in the regional economy.

The article is devoted to the analysis of methodological approaches used for growth points formation of the regional economy.

The aim of the article is to aggregate and systematize the available methods for identifying points (poles, centers) of regional economic growth. The author defines the mathematical and statistical methods group and the expert assessment methods group for determining growth points. Within the first group, the author considers examples of growth points searching based on the use of cluster analysis, spatial analysis, analysis of structural shifts in the economy, cyclical analysis (Kitchin waves), descriptive and comparative analysis. The possibility of use the economic, mathematical and econometric modeling is the main advantage of these methods group. Within the second group, the author identifies resource, criteria, innovation, spatial, cognitive (foresight) and directive approaches. The relative simplicity, practical orientation and the possibility of a creative approach in the search for growth points is the main advantage of these methods. The insufficient correlation of the growth points forming process with an increase of the life quality of the population is the common disadvantage of the both methods groups. According to the author, the optimal solution is a combination of mathematical and statistical methods and the expert assessment methods.

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the aggregation of existing methods for growth points searching in the regional economy and the systematization of the tools used by researchers.

The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that knowledge of approaches and tools aimed at identifying growth points provides state and municipal authorities with opportunities to structural transformation, increase the investment flows into the region, improve the life quality of its population, strengthen and develop interregional economic ties, etc.

The following methods are used for the study: content analysis, comparative analysis and a systematic approach.

Key words: growth point, growth pole, growth center, spatial polarization, methods for identifying growth points, regional economy, investments, regional competitiveness.

Cite as: Laktaeva, N. E. (2024) [The methodological approaches used for growth points formation of the regional economy]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 3, pp. 40–53. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2024-3-40.


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