UDC: 101.1:316.77 (045)


I. A. Latypov
Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia
e-mail: ildarlatypov@mail.ru

F. N. Ponosov
Udmurt State Agricultural University, Izhevsk, Russia
e-mail: peshta@bk.ru

Abstract. The relevance of this research is determined by the demand of the analysis of the multiplicity of subjects as sources and carriers of activity in intellectual activity for various purposes (for example, in culture, art, information production, mass communications, etc.). On the other hand, the problems of inter-confessional conflicts and the promotion of spiritual values by various confessions are acute. Also, various issues related to the revival of religiosity are important for Russian atheists, Muslims, Orthodox and other confessions.

The aim of the work is to study complex issues of poly-subjectivity in intellectual activity in modern processes of preservation and development of spiritual property.

Scientific induction, N. Luhmann’s social differentiation and the concept of poly-subject sociality of the Ural Philosophical School are used as methodological bases.

The main results of the study include a shift in the priorities of socio-philosophical research of intellectual activity in the relations of spiritual property from the predominant analysis of dialogues to the analysis of poli-logues, from paired forms of cooperation to simultaneous and multiple cooperation of many subjects with socio-cultural communities and systems of spiritual property.

The scientific novelty includes estimates of the local elimination of contradiction of «individual» and «social» in large poly-subject networks of intellectual activity (for example, in the national project for the development of the digital economy). Indeed, the overall possible intensity of intellectual activity of interconnected mono-subjects in the limit transition grows proportionally to the second degree of their number (i.e. a poly-subject network becomes a societal network).

The directions of further research are determined by the prospects and problems of analyzing the impending breakthrough in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and the problems of subjectivity of both these developments and the results of AI activities.

Further refinement and development of the poly-subject chronotopic concept of analyzing subjectivity in intellectual activity in relations of spiritual property is recommended for diachronic and synchronous study of their role in social space and social time.

Key words: poly-subjectivity, secularization, faith, atheism, intellectual activity, spiritual (non-material) property.

Cite as: Latypov, I. A., Ponosov, F. N. (2024) [On the issue of polysubjectivity of intellectual activity in relations of spiritual property]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 3, pp. 115–126. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2024-3-115.


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