UDC: 130.123:215:22.06:


D. V. Kotelevsky
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia
e-mail: kotelevsky@mail.ru

Abstract. In the article, the main subject of analysis is the phenomenon of faith. Despite the fact that the phenomenon of faith has been sufficiently studied from the point of view of different approaches, not much attention has traditionally been paid to the mechanisms of the subjective act of accepting faith. Since this aspect of the existence of faith requires closer consideration, it is placed at the center of the analysis in the article. The main goal of this work is to substantiate the position that the act of accepting faith has not only psychological aspects, but can be considered as a basic existential characteristic of human existence. Thus, the very understanding of this process in all its manifestations can be fundamentally expanded and extended to all spheres of human life and society. The work examines the basic principles of understanding faith by some Protestant theologians, who placed subjective faith in the center of attention and paid special attention to the moment of acceptance of faith. In this specific context, the ideas of the kerygmatic theology of the Protestant thinker Rudolf Bultmann are considered. To a large extent, the principles of Bultmann’s approach determined the methodology for considering the phenomenon being analyzed. The article introduces and substantiates the concept of «kerygmatic faith». It is shown that this concept has significant methodological and heuristic novelty. To substantiate the productivity of this concept, modern interpretations of faith are used, in particular, the positions expressed by the French philosopher Alain Badiou during his analysis of the role of the Apostle Paul in the formation of the Christian faith. The work outlines a possible line of further analysis of the phenomenon of kerygmatic faith, which involves both the development of the already undertaken interpretation of the ideas of Rudolf Bultmann in a broader ontic and ontological context, and the possibility of supplementing such a view of the phenomenon of acceptance of faith with principles borrowed from the methodology of hermeneutics and psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan.

Key words: kerygmatic faith, act of acceptance of faith, Protestant theology, kerygmatic theology, Resurrection of Christ, eschatology, universalism.

Cite as: Kotelevsky, D. V. (2024) [On the issue of kerygmatic faith]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 3, pp. 108–114. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2024-3-108.


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