M. G. Boyarshinov1, 2, 3,
A. S. Vavilin1, 4
1 Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia
2 Perm military Institute of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Perm, Russia
3 e-mail:
4 e-mail:
Abstract. The relevance of the present paper is justified by the need to search for a scientifically based criterion for the formation, development and elimination of traffic congestion using modern highly efficient mathematical methods of information processing. It seems necessary to study the results of using the rescaled range, statistical, fractal, harmonic, and wavelet analysis of time series formed by the time (duration) of the movement of cars in a stream along a road section in the absence and presence of traffic congestion. The object of study is a section of the road network equipped with a software and hardware complex that allows measuring the characteristics of any car in the flow of transport. The subject of the study is the patterns of changes in the duration of movement of individual cars in the absence and presence of a congestion situation. The purpose of this study is a quantitative indicator of the formation, evolution, and elimination of traffic congestion. The basis of the theoretical and methodological approach is the use of modern highly efficient mathematical methods for processing information about traffic flows received from stationary complexes of photo and video recording of traffic violations. As a result of the study of time series, decompositions of the analyzed time series by harmonics and wavelets are constructed, statistical and fractal characteristics of the time series under consideration are determined. The analysis of the obtained results is carried out, the features of the obtained dependencies are revealed. The theoretical and practical significance of the work lies in the scientific substantiation of the quantitative characteristics of traffic congestion, which is of practical interest from the point of view of predicting anomalies in the movement of vehicles on the road network, making decisions on managing the operation of traffic lights, etc. The direction of further research is an in-depth analysis of the identified indicator and determination on its basis of a criterion for determining the stages of formation, evolution, and elimination of traffic congestion at intersections of the street and road network of a large industrial city.
Key words: traffic congestion, traffic flow, traffic intensity.
Cite as: Boyarshinov, M. G., Vavilin, A. S. (2023) [Traffic congestion characteristics based on data of the photo and video recording system]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 3, pp. 83–106,