E. A. Annenkova
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Saratov, Russia

Abstract. The relevance of the problem under study is due to the active transition of banks into the digital space. The desire of banks to reduce costs, diversify the product line, increase customer loyalty, increase the profitability of operations, etc. involves the banking sector in the process of digital transformation. Digital transformations in the banking market inevitably entail a rethinking of the views of users and participants of these financial relations. The purpose of the article is to consider the mechanism of digital transformation of Russian banks in modern conditions. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to define digital transformation, identify and characterize digital technology models, analyze the factors influencing digital banking transformation, identify the stages of the digital transformation process of banks and characterize the types of banking business models after the transformation. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article was the scientific work of Russian and foreign scientists and agencies. In the course of writing the work, general scientific methods of cognition used in economics were used, adapted taking into account the emerging nature of digital technology markets. The work also uses a set of scientific approaches and methods, such as systematic and integrated approaches, methods of logical, comparative and statistical analysis. Methodological approaches are based on theoretical and methodological research of the potential of the latest digital technologies, analysis of opportunities and problems that these technologies provide. The article proposes to consider digital transformation as a process involving the introduction of various innovative technological solutions into the activities of banks, radically changing the ways and channels of providing services to customers. 4 models of digital technology transformation are identified and characterized: confederate, joint service, strategic competence centers model and operational model. It is concluded that Russian banks are striving for an operating model, but in the long term due to the prevailing growth factors and constraints. The presence of a sufficiently large number of stop factors that slow down the digital transformation in banks has been revealed: the Russian mentality, the lack of external and insufficient internal financing, the lack of qualified personnel, etc. A forecast has been made about erasing the edge of the bank as a financial institution, and turning into a way of life. Practical application is possible when creating a digital strategy of the bank, and the deepening of the study should be carried out taking into account the reduction of risks, including cyber threats.

Key words: digital transformation, business model, banks, artificial intelligence, roboadvising, digital technologies, Big Data.

Cite as: Annenkova, E. A. (2023) [The mechanism of digital transformation of Russian banks in modern conditions]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 3, pp. 42–51,