E. V. Degtyarev

The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Magnitogorsk Branch), Magnitogorsk, Russia


Abstract. It seems that the relevance of the study of expansionism is obvious. The importance of the philosophical analysis of social expansion is determined, first of all, by the significance of the influence of this phenomenon on the development of society in the course of the historical process. At the present stage, the theme of successful expansionism is acquiring special significance. Today, a global order is being formed – a new type of governance of society that is becoming a sovereign power, a kind of geopolitical entity carrying out global expansion. Owing to this, in turn, the phenomenon of «successful expansionism» is of increasing interest for researchers in both political and legal, cultural, social, military, economic, ideological and many other fields. In order to identify and analyze the underlying factors of expansionism, to realize the essence of this phenomenon, it seems relevant to study the art of expansionism from a philosophical perspective. In modern conditions, only government entities that have mastered the «art of expansionism» to the necessary extent achieve significant results (suffice it to recall China, which raised the share of its GDP in purchasing power parity (according to the IMF) from 2.3% in 1980 to 18.3 % in 2017, ahead of the USA). Therefore, the goal of our research (as a specialist in the field of philosophy) is to discover those deep and, at the same time, typical factors that are inherent in expansionism as such. The methodology of the article is such traditional philosophical methods as: the dialectical method, the ascent from the abstract to the concrete, as well as the method of structural and functional analysis. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that for the first time two «standard» types of formative cliches of expansionism characteristic of social development were discovered in it and the strengths and weaknesses of each of them were revealed. The results obtained during the analysis (if desired) can be used in their development by experts in the field of political science, sociology, economics, social psychology and other sciences, as well as politicians and managers in practice, to create a successful expansionism system in our country that can advance the Russian Federation of leading world powers.

Keywords: expansion, the art of expansionism, the paradox of successful expansionist systems, expansionist cliches.

Cite as: Degtyarev, E. V. (2020) [The origin of the art of expansionism: paradoxes and formative clichés]. Intellekt. Innovatsii. Investitsii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 3, pp. 79–86. DOI: 10.25198/2077-7175-2020-3-79.