UDC: 111


V.V. Mironov

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia

e-mail: vlamironov@yandex.ru 

Abstract. In the article, the author explores the concept of metaphysics and metaphysical thinking through the prism of new materials, the so-called “Black Notebooks” by M. Heidegger. It is shown that the metaphysical approach in philosophy was necessary in the conditions of the origin of philosophy. During this period, the only means of explaining the world remained the mind, and the mind, closed to the individual human thinking. Metaphysics initially arises as a special way of philosophical reflection outside of experienced knowledge. Philosophy has to constantly “justify itself” for such an approach, but in reality it is an essential feature of philosophical thinking. No matter how much science develops and no matter how much the volume of concrete scientific data grows, in the philosophy of "over-subject matter" will always be present. The author analyzes the similarities and differences in the positions of I. Kant and M. Heidegger on the interpretation of metaphysics, at the same time showing that, in fact, they in different sociocultural situations speak of the need for metaphysics in philosophy. Some ideas of Heidegger concerning the interpretation of metaphysics, which they set forth in the Black Notebooks, where the idea is once again substantiated that no philosophical problems can be considered apart from their metaphysical and ontological justification, are specifically considered.

Keywords: metaphysics, philosophy, ontology, theory of knowledge. I. Kant, M. Heidegger, «Black Notebooks».

Acknowledgments: The article was prepared within the framework of the activities of the leading scientific school of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov  «Transformation of culture, society and history: philosophical and theoretical understanding».
