UDC: 1+316.3-05


M.B. Manannikova

Orenburg State Agrarian University, Orenburg, Russia 

e-mail: Marinamanannikova@gmail.com 

Abstract. Addressing to the problem of totalitarianism of the modern personality has, in our opinion, relevance due to the fact that it allows us to identify the factors contributed to the deformation of various substructures of social and existential plans, to help a person to find his individuality in the fight against both external forces and internal "totalitarianism". Therefore, the purpose of this article is to analyze the problem of modern personality, as well as the study of its structural components, the change of which leads to the emergence of the totalitarian type of individual. The article uses the methodology of textual analysis of works in combination with the comparative approach.

The analysis of the sources devoted to the study of totalitarian personality revealed the characteristic features of this phenomenon. The study of the structural components of personality, its progressive and regressive changes, makes it possible to consider the individual as a subject of the social process, a set of own aspirations and hopes, ideas and passions, tendencies to altruism or violence. Being on the verge of two worlds – biological and social, it absorbs all their diversity and versatility, forming a complex object of analysis.

 The works of S.L. Rubinstein, Z. Freud and E. Fromm, which reflect the changes in the mental processes of the individual, formed in the social environment where his formation and development takes place, help to set off the features of the dynamic model of human behavior. 

Identification of differences between pseudo-thinking and true thinking makes it possible to understand how the substitution of such elements of personality as feelings and desires, pseudo-elements. 

The paper shows that the key characteristic of being a person is freedom, which generates the intention of the subject to identify the meanings and purposes of his life. How free a person of modern society is an open question, since alienation plays no less, if not a greater role in his self-determination, giving rise to the loss of a person's sense of self, uniqueness, individuality. And this phenomenon is not only a bygone Soviet society, but also a modern market, forming a consumer attitude to the individual and conformist attitudes of consciousness.

The article has an introductory character, its conclusions should be considered as theoretical prerequisites for the analysis of the phenomenon of totalitarian personality, which can be used not only by representatives of the Humanities, but also by all who are interested in this problem in modern society. 

Keywords: personality, totalitarianism, freedom, alienation, conformism, mass culture.