UDC: 177+316.6


V.A. Kuzmenkov

Oryol Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.V. Lukyanova, Oryol, Russia

e-mail: vakuzmenkov@gmail.com 

Abstract. The concept of «anomie» occurs in ancient Greece and means lawlessness, lack of rule. For some reason, the value-normative regulation of human activity weakens old requirements as well, for centuries defined social actions turn out to be more irrelevant. The theory of anomia is well studied in the works of various sociologists, criminologists and psychologists. Nevertheless, almost all researchers bypass the question of the possibilities of neutralizing anomie, the ways out of large-scale public pathologies. The article attempts to summarize all the available answers to this question. The object of the study is anomia, the subject is the search for ways out of it. It postulates the need for a social force that legitimizes moral values. It must be attractive structural, attracting various groups to itself. Also available are the ideas of E. Durkheim, J.Galtung, communitarianists, R. Inglehart and R. Guardini, proposed by various options for overcoming anomie.

Keywords: anomie, R. Gvardini, R. Inglehart, neutralization, values.