UDC: 334.01


Yu.M. Polyakova

Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia

e-mail: flaeeee@gmail.com 

Abstract. The relevance of the topic under consideration is due to the growing popularity of the mass collaboration as a tool for activating the collective mind in order to increase the effectiveness of the organization’s activities and economic development throughout the country. The development of crowdsourcing in Russia, as one of the forms of employment in the digital economy, is important for improving competitiveness in the global market, as evidenced by the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" adopted on July 28, 2017.

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the importance of crowdsourcing as a type of mass collaboration in the development of society, business and the state and to identify problems that impede the large-scale distribution of this technology in Russia.

The paper analyzes foreign and Russian practice of using crowdsourcing technology, identifies the benefits and advantages of crowdsourcing for the public represented by the employee, the business represented by the employer and the state.

The analysis made it possible to identify and describe the problems of the development of crowdsourcing in Russia and, based on the method of decomposition modeling, isolate “problems-causes” and “problems-consequences” and build a “problem tree”. The problems of crowdsourcing development in Russia are structured in 4 blocks: “Society”, “Education”, “Business” and “State”. This made it possible to identify the key problem of the technology development - weak scientific elaboration and the absence of effective mechanisms for the implementation of crowdsourcing. The main problem is the development of the service infrastructure, as well as the low level of crowdsourcing literacy of the Russian population.

As priority tasks for the development of crowdsourcing in Russia, the improvement of the legislative base of the Russian Federation in terms of regulating relations in the crowdsourcing process between the employee and the employer, developing effective mechanisms for protecting intellectual property rights, developing service infrastructure in the regions of the country, and expanding educational programs in digital economy to increase the digital literacy of the population.

Article materials may be useful to students, graduate students, teachers, businesses, as well as representatives of state authorities.

Keywords: collective intelligence, mass collaboration, crowdsourcing, business-processes’ digitalization, development of digital technologies.