UDC: 339.3


S.M. Krymov

Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University Peter the Great, 

St. Petersburg, Russia


M.V. Kolgan 

 Don State Technical University, 

Rostov-on-Don, Russia,

e-mail: kolgan.m@yandex.ru 

Abstract. Considering the current state of the economic system and the laws of its development, it should be noted the prevailing role of information resources for its subjects in all sectors. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to develop new approaches to the structure of commodity exchange based on the behavior of the "new generation consumer" in the context of digitalization. The purpose of this article is to identify requirements to the structure of the circuits of exchange of goods from the point of view of new and promising opportunities for the digital economy. The leading methods are a comprehensive analysis of modern innovative approaches to the chain of goods movement, explication of models, forecasts of consumer behavior in the information economy. One of the priority forecasts is scenarios based on the consumer panel of the leading research organization Gfk. The presented results of the study indicate the fact that modern information technology is an innovation that disturbs the balance in the usual chain of goods movement. Information technology is one of the priorities of the development of the sphere of trade, which can provide a breakthrough in the quality, speed, availability and efficiency of services without increasing costs. On this basis, draws conclusions and makes forecasts for the development of new opportunities for users in the modified distribution chain. The scientific novelty of the results of the study is the development of the concept of transformation of consumption in the information economy. Among the provisions of the study, with elements of novelty, we can distinguish the following scientific results: first, the modification of the economic behavior of consumers is manifested in the complexity of the mechanism of organization and consumer decision-making; second, there is a sharp increase in the impact of information technology on consumer behavior; third, there is a new trend of behavior " consumers of a new generation – context-dependent model of the buying process; fourth, structural shifts in consumption – "new generation consumers" - are becoming an important multiplier of trade. The directions of further research determine the explication, description of the complex of issues related to the formation of domestic business ecosystems, the development of a model of adaptation of enterprises and the emergence of new forms of business organization.

Keywords: digitalization, omnichannel, "new generation consumer", trade, consumer behavior.