UDC: 338.012; 338.33


A.I. Krivtsov,sup>1, A.M. Izmailov2, A.V. Zastupov3

Samara State Economic University, Samara, Russia

1e-mail: 2030202@gmail.com     

2e-mail: airick73@bk.ru 

3e-mail: oiler79@mail.ru 

A.V. Evstratov

Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russia

e-mail: evstratov.mail@gmail.com 

Abstract. Modern economic realities are entirely influenced by the world's major megatrends, including digitalization in particular. Today, the absolute majority of economic processes occur with the direct participation of information technology. Industries are undergoing significant changes. Production chains, production, storage, marketing, marketing and promotion can no longer be imagined without prior support of technical tools based on digital technologies. However, the impact of digitalization on various industries is manifested in different ways. For example, the processes occurring in such a specific and high-tech industry as the pharmaceutical industry react in their own way to the impact of the digitalization megatrend. Given the impact of digitalization on many processes occurring in the field of pharmaceuticals, the question arises as to what this may lead to and what processes may occur within the industry itself. Given the strategic importance of the industry for the state’s defense and competitiveness, it is important to study the key aspects of the impact of digitalization on the pharmaceutical industry.

The authors aim to explore the key aspects of the impact of digitalization on the main processes in the pharmaceutical industry. The leading methods for studying this problem are complex and systemic-morphological analysis, which allows identifying the impact of digitalization on individual elements of the processes occurring within the industry, as well as in general, and also revealing the relationship and interdependence of the global megatrend impact on the industry as a whole.

The research results allow us to talk about the acceleration of processes within the industry itself, the positive dynamics in the cheapening of a number of the most important elements of the process of developing and promoting medicines, as well as the formation of the latest trends in the marketing of pharmaceutical products.

In the present article, the authors explore the issue of the impact of digitalization on the most significant elements of the pharmaceutical industry. The main aspects of the impact of digitalization on such areas of development of the pharmaceutical industry as the development of new types of drugs and medicines are considered, the impact of digitalization on the stages of drug development is reflected. The main directions of the impact of Big Data technology on the development of the pharmaceutical industry are highlighted. Analytical and statistical data from leading global consulting organizations, such as the Boston Cunsulting Group, Ipsos Healthcare Russia, McKinsey, and data from the RBC analytical portal were used as sources of information.

Keywords: analysis; pharmaceutical industry; digitalization; digital economy.