UDC: 656.072
D. A. Dryuchin1, N. N. Yakunin2,
N. V. Yakunina3
Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia
1e-mail: dmi-dryuchin@yandex.ru
2e-mail: yakunin-n@yandex.ru
3e-mail: nat.yakunina56@yandex.ru
Abstract. The urban passenger transport complex is the most important part of the infrastructure of modern cities and provides a number of key functions. The condition for the effective operation of the transport complex is the balanced development of the subsystems included in its structure, which in turn necessitates the formation of a methodological framework that determines the conditions for such development.
Based on the indicated provisions, the purpose of the study is formulated, which is to increase the efficiency of the operation of vehicles serving the routes of the urban ground passenger transport complex, based on the results of an assessment of their environmental safety and energy efficiency.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:
– study and analysis of the content of research papers, regulatory and technical documents in the field of environmental safety assessment of energy efficiency of vehicles;
– development of a methodology for assessing and comparative analysis of environmental safety and energy efficiency, vehicles serving urban public transport routes;
– assessment of environmental safety of various categories of vehicles serving the routes of the urban ground passenger transport complex;
– generalization and analysis of the results obtained, formulation of conclusions and practical recommendations.
During the study, an approach was used that assumes: modeling of energy consumption parameters of vehicles implementing various technologies of fuel and energy supply and a comparative assessment of indicators determining their energy efficiency and environmental safety in traffic conditions on urban passenger routes. Based on the implemented approach, the methods of system and statistical analysis of the initial information, mathematical modeling and methods of multi-criteria evaluation of the results are used in the work.
The main result of the study is the numerical values of the indicators of energy efficiency and environmental safety of vehicles implementing various technologies of fuel and energy supply in the conditions of urban ground passenger transport complex, which is the scientific novelty of the study.
The use of the obtained values in assessing the efficiency of passenger transportation by vehicles of various categories allows for the formation of a fleet of vehicles based on the results of a multi-criteria analysis.
One of the directions of further research involving the use of the results obtained is the development of a comprehensive methodology for determining the optimal structure and coordinated formation of subsystems that make up the urban ground passenger transport complex.
Key words: energy efficiency, environmental safety, passenger transportation, urban passenger transport, fuel and energy supply, vehicles.
Cite as: Dryuchin, D. A., Yakunin, N. N., Yakunina, N. V. (2024) [Assessment of environmental safety and energy efficiency of vehicles serving the routes of the urban ground transport complex]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 2, pp. 43–55. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2024-2-43.
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