UDC: 1(140.8)


N. B. Melnik
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia
e-mail: eco_nataly@mail.ru

Abstract. The author addresses the urgent problem of the formation and development of a new ecological culture as a strategically important task in the conditions of the ecological crisis. Developing the heuristic potential of the synthetic concept of culture and D. V. Pivovarov’s concept of the ideal, the author analyzes the possibility of understanding the essence of ecological culture based on this concept, the possibility of constructing the ecological culture of the future society based on the concept of the ideal. The key importance of the ideal in the formation of culture is substantiated. The article discusses three models of idealization in the ecological context and the manifestations of these ways of idealization in modern reality. The author analyzes the birth of a new ecological ideal in the format of a specific subjective image of the objective world, embodied in numerous texts of ecophilosophists, which, according to the author, have a limited impact on the broad masses of the population. Тhe author sees the reasons for this in the scientific style of texts and the lack of attractiveness for a modern person of the world order proposed by ecophilosophists. The possibility of the emergence of ecological religion on the principles of metaconfessionality, ecocentrism and biocentrism is interpreted. Modern ecological practices are considered as the second way of idealization, which involves the transformation of activities based on the criterion of long-term, long-term and multidimensional benefits based on the universal value of nature and the remoteness of the consequences of environmental management. To effectively use this path of idealization, support from the state, the media, elites, etc. is needed. The transformation of images-ideals of an ecological nature, embodied, for example, in the change of the aesthetic ideal, is discussed. The article interprets ecotopia as an integral mechanism of idealization, reflecting all the listed models of idealization. As a result of the research, the problems of the correlation of ecological values and ideals with the values of individualism and collectivism are revealed, the need for a new understanding of the idea of the «common good», the search for the ecological meaning of the concept of «quality of life», the study of possible forms of the sacralization of nature in modern conditions is revealed. The results of the research can be used in the implementation of environmental policy to create conditions for the sustainable development of society, in pedagogical design of ways to form environmental values, in ecophilosophical research of the search for strategies for survival and sustainable development.

Key words: culture, ecological culture, sustainable development, idealization, ecological practices, ecological values, ecological ideals, ecotopia.

Cite as: Melnik, N. B. (2024) [Formation of the ecological ideal in the context of D. V. Pivovarov’s concept of the ideal]. Intellekt. Innovacii. Investicii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 2, pp. 83–92. – https://doi.org/10.25198/2077-7175-2024-2-83.


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