V. S. Erokhin

Saratov State Law Academy, Saratov, Russia


Abstract. The relevance of the research lies in the fact that the analysis of the essence of political communication makes it possible to determine effective ways of transmitting politically significant information, and to use the available symbolic resources of its participants, which increases the effectiveness of interaction between subjects in various spheres of public interaction. The analysis of the political identity and identification of a person makes it possible to determine whether the subject of interaction belongs to a specific socio-political group, which leads to an understanding of the person’s place in the structure of ties and relations in politics and the definition of the boundaries of «own» and «others». The identification of the communicative nature of a person’s political identity makes it possible to analyze her participation in public policy as an active and passive subject of political interaction.

The purpose of the work is to determine the essence of the communicative nature of a person’s political identity and the possibility of taking into account its application in public policy.

The paper uses the resources of the communication concept of P. Bourdieu, M. Castells, H. Innis and some other scientists.

The methods and (or) methodological apparatus of the research includes a logical method that allows to form a holistic view of the communicative nature of a person’s political identity. A critical method is applied, which is expressed in the analysis of the possibility of applying the communicative nature of a person’s political identity in public policy.

The main results of the work are that the communicative nature of a person’s political identity contains active and passive components. The first is that a person correlates himself with acceptable and desirable patterns and models of behavior and transmits information about them in the form of the implementation of his social practices in the political sphere. The normative consolidation of such practices in the system of legal norms makes it possible to interpret a person as an active participant in political interaction. The passive component consists in the person’s acceptance of the communication and regulatory influence of political and legal norms.

The scientific novelty of the work consists in the statement that a person, forming his own political identity, becomes an active subject of public policy. The communicative nature of a person’s political identity is expressed in the ability of a political subject to adapt himself to normatively fixed, permissible and positively evaluated models of interaction and the ability to influence the formation of politically significant decisions.

Key words: public policy, political identity of the individual, communication, political communication, means of political mass communication.

Cite as: Erokhin, V. S. (2022) [The communicative nature of political identity as the basis for individual participation in public policy]. Intellekt. Innovatsii. Investitsii [Intellect. Innovations. Investments]. Vol. 2, pp. 127–133,