
E.V. Bondarenko, A.A. Goncharov, A.M. Fedotov
Scientific aspects of the transport noosphere
A.L. Vorobyov, V.A. Lukoyanov, V.A. Garelskiy
About the principles of optimal allocation of average commissioners in the city
V.A. Gorodokin, Z.V. Almetova, V.D. Shepelev
Legal treatment and technical evaluation of driver’s actions when performing overtaking in night time
D.A. Dryuchin, A.S. Tishchenko
Evaluation of the influence of technological parameters and operating factors on the effectiveness of compressed natural gas application on road transport
I.I. Lyubimov, A.N. Melnikov, N.А. Trubin
Improving the efficiency of the functioning of the transport service system of the population
V.V. Morozov, S.A. Jarkov
The influence of lane occupancy on the traffic intensity
A.I. Petrov
Technique and macrocalculation results of the differentiated assessment of economic damage from road and transport accident rate in the Volga federal district subjects
A.V. Puzakov, S.V. Gorbachev
Research of influence of stopping points on the flow capacity of urban freeways and size of expenses on transportations
L.N. Tretyak, A.S. Volnov, D.A. Kosich
Ensuring environmental safety of motor transport flows by the integrated account of emissions of harmful substances and development of organizational and technical activities
M.I. Filatov, S.V. Bulatov
Expense control of spare parts taking into account their quality at passenger transport enterprise
I.H. Khasanov, V.I. Rassokha, E.S. Zolotarev
Technique improvement of protection of the car body paint coating at the car operation
R.H. Khasanov
To the question of assessment of effective cars use
R.T. Shaylin, A.A. Filippov, I.F. Suleymanov
Definition of need for improvement of methane gas stations network
V.D.  Shepelev, V.A. Gorodokin, Z.V. Almetova
The calculation of the operation duration of the traffic light object allowing access of the pedestrians to the traffic area
N.N. Yakunin, N.V. Yakunina, A.I. Suhanova
Scientific substantiation of indicators normalization of passenger taxi activity
