N.A. Zemlyanushnov
Engineer, Postgraduate Student at the Department of technical exploitation of automobiles, North-Caucasus Federal University
The aim of the work is to set tasks for research on ensuring resource conservation and operational reliability improvement of vehicles units and systems by improving the technology of automobile springs recovering.
The relevance of the problem is due to the fact that automobile springs account for 18.2 % of failures of units and systems in which they are included.
Method of research: collection and analysis of statistical data of distribution of the major failure in motor vehicles units and systems based on the literature review and studied technological documents of the LLC commercial manufacturing company «Avtokranservis» in Stavropol.
Results: the failures analysis of vehicles units and systems caused by the loss of geometric and power characteristics of automobile springs or their breakage is carried out, the purpose and objectives of the study are formulated.
Keywords: automobile springs, relaxation of springs, power and geometric characteristics of springs, defect, failure.
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